Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chapter 12 ~Banana Pancakes~

~Chapter 12~ 

~Adele's Pov~
Dai and his mom just moved in with us.
His mom was the next challenge mom.
Dai and I would have a little brother or sister together.
At first I was worried it would be weird, but I wasn't anymore.
Dai and I went to the beach.
"Adele! Watch me!" Dai said, midway through jumping into the water.

"Dai wait your still wearing your!" I yelled at him, but he had already hit the water.
"Shirt..." I finished lamely.
"Come on Adele! Live a little! You can get your dress wet!" Dai cheered, splashing me with water.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
I really really liked that dress...the things I do for that boy.

Logan's POV
I was covered in hair.
Well I'm usually covered in hair, I mean I get my waxing downs, but still.
This was more like...fur...
I was going about my daily routine, I had just put Blake down for a nap.
Becks was outside rocking a screaming June.
Everything was normal...

There was an intense fire running through my body, it shot up my spine and overwhelmed all my senses at once.
Then it was over...the fire at least.
I bit my lip and touched my wrist to it, checking for blood.
I ended up hooking my wrist on something sharp and cutting it.
Confused I walked over to the mirror...
And I screamed (in a very low tone that sounded somewhat like a howl)

Adele's Pov
I did get in the water, Dai can be really persuasive when he wants to be.
He should run for president.
I was stiffly standing in the water, shoes and all, there might be rocks in there.
"Aren't you gonna dive in?" He asked me.
I squished my lips together. "Nope I'm good." I said.
Now that Dai and I were 12 things were sometimes different...we mostly danced around it though....but still....
My mom was uh, cheasty...for lack of a better at 12 I was also....developing.
Man this is really embarrassing...
Anyway since I didn't have the guts to tell my dad to get me a bra....I didn't have one.
So there was no way I was going all that way under water.
Even in front of Dai. I got teased enough about it at school already.

It's ok though cause Dai and I found a solution.
We dragged two beach chairs into the water to sit in.
Well, Dai dragged them mostly, he was getting stronger. Must be the baseball.
"People are staring at us." I whispered to him.
"Not everybody...that guys not." Dai pointed out.
"Dai that's a cardboard Justin Bieber." I said giggling.
"Well he's not looking." Dai said laughing.
He had a cute laugh.

"Do you think we're weird Dai?" I asked him.
He placed his arm on top of mine.
"No, I think we're normal and everyone else is weird."
"Hm. I've never thought about it that way." I told him.
"If we are weird I'd want to be weird with you though." I said.
"We can be weird or normal together then." he said.
"So why don't you want to get in the water?" 
"Cause of....girl stuff..." I muttered blushing.

Dai got really red and looked away.
Well at least he was embarrassed too.
"You' right?" he asked awkwardly, looking at me worried.
"Yeah I'm fine it's just...sometimes I wished my mom lived closer..." I told him.
"Oh...yeah I guess that makes sense." he said "But I bet your dad would help you..." he trailed off.
"Uh no." I said quickly.
" could ask my mom...?" he suggested.
Ask Mama Becks to take me bra shopping and to go to the drug store to get.....stuff?
"Er..." I was pretty desperate at this point "Do you think she'd um...mind?"
"Adele I have 14 sisters, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind." He said, showing a small smile.
"Besides...your dad is like my my mom can be like...your other mom?" he suggested.
"Hm. Ok." I said. "Can we pretend we never had this conversation?" I asked.
"Yeah let's never talk about this stuff again."
"Let's not tell your dad either."
"Good plan." I said. I gave Dai a one armed hug.

When we got back home the house was really quiet...except for June crying but that was really normal.
I went looking for my dad in his room, but he wasn't in there. Must be with the babies.
I saw that he finished putting together my grandma's old cabinet.
My grandma went to a nursing home, so we got some of her stuff.
My dad told me it's because she's sick.
He told Mama Becks it's cause she's crazy.
He also called her something. But I'm not allowed to say it.
I noticed the pink bottle on the bottom shelf. 
Pink is my favorite color, next to purple. 
I could smell it all the way from across the room. It smelled like Cotton Candy and bubblegum.
It must be one of grandma's old popsicle mixes! Those were the best.
I couldn't help myself, I downed the whole thing.

Logan's POV
"Dad look! Look daddy!" I was outside when I heard Adele calling me.
I walked into the house through the sliding door and my mouth dropped in shock.
"Look dad! I can fly now!" She told me, doing summersaults in the air.
"What but-what?" I stuttered, staring at her new light red sparkling wings.
"I can flip daddy watch me!" she cheered.
"Adele Maria Fey! You are in trouble!" I yelled, still staring with wide eyes.
She got a freaked out look on her face and flittered off, faster than I could run with those new wings.
What in the world is going on around here?

I watched through the sliding glass door, keeping my eye on Adele.
She was up in the air, wings flickering quickly to keep her afloat.
She was talking to this annoying teenager who liked to hang around the outside of our house.
I couldn't hear what was being said.

Suddenly blue sparkles and snowflakes appeared and the weird teenager was left shivering.
I could feel a cool breeze all the way from where I was standing inside.
"YOU LITTLE BRAT! I'M NEVER COMING BACK HERE!" I heard her scream, running out of our yard.
Adele just giggled, looking very pleased with herself.
I turned around so Adele couldn't see me...and I laughed hysterically.
At least that got rid of the stalker teen.

Becks went out and built some sort of fairy castle in the garden.
By built I mean she instructed the delivery man in putting it together.
It was pretty nice, It was stone with a roof covered in moss.
Not saying that I support this fairy thing.

Adele thanked Becks repetitively, telling her how much she loved it.
I made sure she wrote a really nice not to the delivery man too, after all, he did put up with assembling it.
Pretty sure that's not in his job description.
Becks is persuasive though, she would make a good politician.

Right before my eyes my daughter dressed in her little ruffled nightgown turned into a little firefly.
Maybe a fairyfly was the right term, I don't know.
After shrinking down she flew quickly inside her little castle.
My 12 year old already had her own house...
They grow up so fast.

Dai drew himself a bath with my supervision (our bathtub likes to suck hands down drains)
"Do you think Adele will be cold out there?" he asked, wringing his hands nervously.
"I think her fairy castle is pretty cozy." I told him.
"Well...what if she gets lonely...alone in a new place?"
I saw what was going on here.
"I'm pretty sure she'll get scared and come sleep in her room with you." I assured him.
"Oh, well I'll protect her from the werewolfs." Dai reassured me happily.
"Yeah...werewolf's..." I trailed off.

Sure enough before Dai fell asleep Adele had run up the stairs into her room.
"Are you ok Adele?" Dai asked her.
"Yeah I'm good I just...forgot to get you the guest bed sheets, don't worry they aren't pink like these ones." she told him.
"I don't mind the pink if you don't want to go get them." Dai told her.
But I had already brought in the sheets and started making the bed.
I noticed Adele peering under the bed and gave her a strange look.
"She's checking for werewolfs." Dai explained to me.
"It's all good, no werewolfs here!" Adele eclaimed, jumping into her bed.
"Right..." I said, and then I tucked them both in.

~Adele's Pov~
I tossed and turned, nervous about going to school tomorrow.
It would be my first day at school as a fairy.
Everyone would see.
I would be the only one.
Eventually Dai's breathing evened out it soothed me into a deep sleep.

~Adele's Dreamland~
Dai and I were in some dreary looking town wearing ugly clothes.
Wait...that's not me and Dai...
Well it kinda is...
The little girl had purple hair and looked like me, but without wings. I could see the little boy had hair like Dai, only it was red like mine.

"I'm going to win!" The little girl said looking very determined.
The boy just laughed. The kids spoke with some sort of accent...I couldn't describe it.
"I mean it Mason! I'm going to beat you this time!" the little girl said.
Maybe the little girl was me....

Then I saw somebody I would know anywhere. It was Dai!
Only he was all grown up. He still looked the same, only he was older, and taller.
He looked a lot stronger too.
He was wearing something similar to that little boy...Mason he was called.
I really liked that name. Mason.

My attention was drawn back to the little girl and boy.
"Mason! That's not fair!" she shouted.
"Lindy you choose rock and I chose paper! I won fair and square!" he exclaimed.
"No you didn't you dirty cheat!" she shouted at him.
"Daddy!" she whined.

"Guys, it's the day of the Renaissance fair, no fighting." Dai said calmly, rocking a little toddler in his arms.
Well at least the clothes weren't always that ugly.
"But dad she's being-" the little boy started.
"Cool it guys." Dai warned.

I looked at the little girl Dai was holding. She looked just like him, her little nose and those little lips.
I noticed she had wings though. Light red swirly wings, just like mine.
"How is my Charlotte?" Dai asked her playfully.
"Tickles!" the little girl cheered.
Peels of laughter escaped from her as Dai tickled her belly.

A beautiful fairy woman came over to the to little kids.
She had big light red wings, and was wearing all white.
Her red hair was in a pretty braid.
"Mom, Mason is cheating!" the girl little declared.
"Is he now?" I heard the grown woman say in a slightly teasing tone.
"Not funny mom!" she exclaimed.

The grown woman quickly grew small and turned into a flash off red light.
She danced around the little girl, poking her sides and making her giggle.
"Darling, let's go to the fair." Dai said. There was no response, just more laughter.
"Adele, you coming?" he joked. The woman reappaered again and smiled, taking the children's hands.
"Of course." she said, and they all left for the fair together.

~Logan's POV~
The next morning as the sun rose the screams of June could be heard across town.
Mushi was the only one who slept through it all.
At this rate the neighbors must think that I torture my children.

I changed her clothes despite her shreiking and tears.
She settled for a bit, breathing heavily.
"Need to catch your breath there ey little monkey?" I asked her smiling.
Adele gave her the nick name Monkey after the Howler Monkey. They had researched rainforest animals in school.
So I omitted the Howler but I kept the monkey. That was her nickname now.
She leaned away from me and started sobbing again.
I sighed bouncing her in my arms.

Downstairs Becks was feeling passionately purple, literally.
Adele's new mood lamp had that effect on people.
"Need some help up there?" Becks called.
"I've got it." I told her.
The second I finished my sentence Natalie started screaming louder.
Becks sighed and climbed the stairs to help me out.

~Dai's Pov~
Penny was all stinky from rolling around in the dirty stable cleanings.
"It's ok Pen Pen, I'll get all this gunk off you." I told her, running the brush through her slick coat.
She happily wagged her tail and licked my face.
I smiled at her "Good girl." I praised.
I was happy that I was brushing Penny. Soon I would be brushing my puppy Fae.
My mom gave me Fae for my birthday. Fae had spots too.
"Dai, are you ready? The bus is coming soon!" Adele's dad called.
"I'm ready! I'm just waiting for Adele." I told him.
For some reason Adele was acting weird. She was poking around slowly and silently. Not bubbly and chatting like her usual self. Right now she up in her bedroom, still braiding her hair.
"Penny do you think something is up with Adele?" I asked her.
Penny took a deep doggie breath. I think that meant yes.
"Well I'm going to find out what it is and make it better for her." I told Penny.
I liked making things better for Adele. I didn't like her to be sad. Plus Adele had the prettiest smile.
Her whole face was like the sun and her cute freckles made her big smile even prettier.

I brought June downstairs to her chair and started making the kids some pancakes.
As I was flipping them I made myself a little pancake song.

"On the day I made pancakes....
Was a sun sunny day
And babyyyy that's the way I want it tooo stayyy
I'm slavin over this hot stoveeeeee
Will I burn them?
Only the good Lord knowssss
But I tell you oh Lord I know whattt to dooo
Gotta flip emmmmm soon
Before they turn....all black and blueeee
Oh how do we do?
Oh darling's some pancakes for you" I sang serving June some pancakes.

I looked out the window to wave bye to Adele and Dai.
It was Dai's first day at school in Sunlit Tides, with Adele by his side.
When I went to have wave I only noticed Dai in the window, looking at the bus driver anxiously.
Where was Adele?
The bus started up and drove away.
"Adele Maria Fey?!" I shouted up the stairs.
I heard the noise of wings flickering.
That girl was in so much trouble. First becoming a fairy, now skipping school?

Adele slowly flew into the kitchen and stood in front of me.
She looked down at the ground guility, but I could see her eyes were red.
Had she been crying?
"Adele...sweetie what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me and then down again.

She ignored my question and started playing with fairy dust.
I sighed. When did my talkative 12 year old take a vow of silence?
"Adele?" I asked again.

"What if the kids make fun of me because of my wings?" she asked me softly, shoulders slumped.
I couldn't bring myself to scold her, my daughter was just worried about fitting in.
" you know girls with glasses?" I asked her, forming a motivational speech in my mind.
"My friend Miranda wears glasses." Adele told me. "She wants contacts though."
I decided to ignore my surprise that Adele had a friend that wasn't Dai that was a girl.
"So she looks different because she has glasses. But she still has friends right?" I asked her.
"Yeah." Adele told me scrunching up her nose.
"You'll still have friends even with wings." I assured her.

"But what if Dai doesn't want to be my friend anymore because I'm a fairy?" she asked me softly.
I sighed, and the real problem comes to life.
"Adele, Dai is always going to love you!" Becks chirped from the kitchen bar.
I sighed. Why must they grow up?

"Adele, Dai is going to love you no matter what happens." I told her, trying not cringe at the word love. A boy loved my daughter.
"You think?" he asked.
"I know. Dai is always going to be your friend, and he doesn't care what you look like, because he cares about you." I told her. I heard Becks "Aw" in the background.
Yeah my heart to heart's are getting better. What can I say?

"Now get to school." I told her.
She stuck her tongue out at me.
"Fine, but I'm not going to like it!" she told me.
"Good, that means you're learning something!" I called after her as she fluttered away.
Becks started a slow sarcastic clap after she left.
Then June started to scream again.
My job is never done.

Baby #13 Blake Fey as a child.
He has my lips, nose, face shape...he's a carbon copy of me.
He pulled on a green outfit and took off to his before I could even give him a hug.

I turned on some country tunes on the old record player I had gotten from my mom.
She was in a nursing home while my dad was in assisted living in the hospital.
He'd come down with a bit of a bug and needed to get his strength up.
I decided to get my mind off everything and work on the new garden.

"Woo!" Blake cheered as he played rodeo on his rocking horse.
"Cowboy Blake is coming to save the day!" he cheered.
"I'll save you Lucy!" he shouted, pretending to charge toward the bad guys.
Lucy is my friend Chloe's daughter. They came to visit Sunlit Tides and I took part in Chloe's baby challenge.
Even a blind man could see that Lucy was the apple of his eye.
That's my son, getting the girl!

June squirmed in Becks arms, crying on and off.
She made little humming noises, perfering not to talk.
"Daddy go oooooo!" June said suddenly, imitating a howl.
"What Junie?" Becks asked, confused.
"Daddy doggie! Daddy go ooooo!" she imitated another howl.
"You want a doggie?" Becks asked her.
"NO DADDY DOGGIE!" She screamed, before bursting into tears again.

"So I was thinking maybe we could throw the football later?" I suggested to Blake as I smoked the bee house.
"No thanks." Blake responded, not even bothering to look over.
"Ok, well hey you should come help me with this, it's pretty neat." I told him.
"Pass." He said.
"Oh, look the ice cream truck! Want me to get you some?" I asked.
"Nope." he responded dully.

"You feeling ok?" I asked him. As a toddler he was so active and talkative.
"I'm golden." he responded.

Meanwhile Becks was ordering herself an ice cream cone.
"Hey Blake, you want me to get you an ice cream?" she shouted across the yard.
Blake jumped up, as if life had returned to his body.
"Yeah!" he cheered running over to her.
"What are you getting?" he asked her.
"I got an ice cream cone, want one?"
"Can I have a freezer bunny?"

"Nothing like ice cream on a hot day." Becks said.
"Yeah, it's the best." Blake agreed.
"Hey Blake? Can you get me a fudge bar?" I yelled.
He looked over at me and then turned the other direction.

"Have you ever had the freezer bunny?" Blake asked Becks.
"Yeah, it's good."
"Yeah I like the eyes the best." Blake told her, talking about the gumball eyes.

I started the run over to the icecream truck.
Becks left to get June, she was screaming on her little horse spring ride.
"Hey bud, how's the icecream bar?" I asked Blake.
Blake glanced at the ice cream man, thanked him, and walked away.

"Kids." I said awkwardly to the ice cream man.
"You gonna order or not blondie?" he asked.
"Uh...yeah I'll take the fudge bar please."
He handed me the ice cream and I paid him.
"Have a nice day." I said.
"Get out of my face!" he yelled.
I made a note not to let my kids around that guy unsupervised.

I took my fudge bar and got out of the way as the truck took off.
Good riddance.

Later that night after I tried teaching a fussy June to talk, I went down to the kitchen to start dinner.
I found Becks sitting there in silence, staring straight ahead.
The TV wasn't on, the radio was quiet.
It was silent.

I stopped and looked at her. She didn't move, or make a sound.
"Hey. She's playing with her dolls. Adele and Dai are doing homework, Blake is playing with June." I told her.
There was no response, or any indication from her that I was there.
I put my hand on her shoulder gently. "Is everything ok?" I asked her.
She turned and faced me, letting out a sigh.

"I'm nervous about being pregnant again so soon." she admitted, getting up and walking over too where I was standing.
She stared at one of Taryn's old painting.
"So soon? Dai is 12 now." I said, glancing at the painting to see what was so interesting.
She was just avoiding eye contact.
"No I mean...Can you keep a secret?" she asked me nervously, biting her lip.
"Of course." I told her.
"In Lucky Palms...I don't know, I don't remember...but I got pregnant." she said, holding back tears.

I pulled her into a hug.
"When I wasn't dehydration...I had a miscarriage." She told me.
I rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry, if I had known..." I said.
I couldn't imagine losing one of my children, losing a baby.
"It's all my fault! I just-"
I quickly cut her off. "None of that is your fault. You had no way of preventing that from happening." I told her as she cried into my shoulder.

"We can wait if you want. If your not ready." I told her. She stepped back from me and frowned.
"What if I'm never ready! What if I'm broken! What if I miscarry ours?" she shouted, frantically.
"What happened happened. You're my friend, and I can wait until your ready." I told her.
"But...what if I'm never ready?"
"Are you ready to be done? For Dai to be your last?" I asked her.

We stared at each other silently.
Upstairs Dai and Adele were giggling, it sounded like he was tickling her.
We both listened to them in silence.

She hugged me tightly.
"I'm not ready for Dai to be my last." she told me sincerly.
"Ok." I responded.
"Thank you." She said softly. I just nodded.
No words were needed.

I rubbed her back and gently rocked her back and forth until her sniffling stopped.
She gave a content sigh and lifted her head up off my shoulder.

"So yeah. Whenever you're ready." I said, and she just smiled.
A small smile, but it still made a difference. She didn't have obnoxiously full lips so her smile spread delicately across her face. I smiled back at her.
I was going to say something, just something to fill the space when I felt a familar feeling run through me.
A white hot fire ran up my spine making my senses go on high alert.

I quickly grabbed on to her hands.
She looked at me surprised, but didn't pull back.
"Are you alright?" she asked me.
I stuttered a response. It was so bright, the lights, much too bright.
Her yellow eyes were looking at my green ones, her head slightly tilted in concern.
My head was pounding, everything was going fast.
Had her eyes always been yellow? Had she always had that little beauty mark under her right eye?

"Woah steady." Becks said with a laugh as I suddenly lost my balance.
Her hand landed awkwardly on my chest. She blushed and I continued to stare at her.
She was beautiful.

I pulled her against me and pressed my lips up against hers.
She immediatly wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer.
I lifted tangled my hand in her purple curls, running my fingers through them and tugging lightly.
I pressed her closer to me, as close as we could physically be.
We awkwardly fumbled with clothes and I walked her backwards toward my room.

She was light as a feather. Clothes flew off and soon we were at the edge of my bed.
My head was pounding, it was getting louder and louder until I finally lost-

~Becks POV~
Making love to Logan was so different. 
Although definitly different in a good way.
 It was almost like we were one person, our bodies moving in sync with one another.Logans eyes were staring intently into mine, sometimes glowing fiercly and then glowing gently as he slowed down every once in a while to comfort me.
I found my self saying his name, in a soft whisper.
I was happy. 
For the first time since the miscarriage I wasn't upset, lonely or depressed. I felt safe in Logan's arms.


I hope you enjoyed reading this! Please leave a comment!
Please go check out my page and enter my two fall competitions!


    Blake is sooooooooooooo cute <3
    I loved Adele's dream. Her and Dai are too cute together ^-^
    Very well done on the 'awkward' scene. xDD
    Awesome post :D

    1. Thanks lol!
      I know, your grandson is just adorable. He has his mom's skintone! Otherwise he's just Logan lol.
      I decided on the dream last minute, they are just so cute and growing up so fast, I felt like they needed a little more time in this story.
      Thanks for viewing the awkward convo before hand.
      Thank you so much for reading and commenting it means the world!

      Love XOXO

    JUST OMG <3

    1. AW THANK YOU!!!

  3. Like the post Logan....Oooohhhh't wait to see the Becks/Logan baby.


    1. Thanks Ashby :)
      You won't be disappointed! :D
      Thank you for reading and commenting, and giving me the feedback via fb chat. I really appreciate it :)

  4. ^^ Ashby and Becks said it all.
    JUNE MY BEBE ;____;

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
      I hope you enjoyed it, you will see a lot more of you baby in the next chapter :)

  5. Great post! I like! Luke & Becks will make gorgeous babies!

  6. I loved this chapter. Becks is so beautiful. and the ending surprised me so much lol. I wasnt expecting that. They look great together. And Adele and Dai are sooo cute.
