Monday, August 13, 2012

Ch. 9 ~Wanting and Wishing~

Chapter 9
Wanting and Wishing

~Addy's POV~
I walked halfway across town with Lyuka and Lyuba to visit my best friend Dawn, and drop the girls off at their mother's house for some time with her. Logan and I were going to be working at a charity event today for Doctors Beyond Borders.
Both the girls did their hair up specially to see their mom, they were both so excited.
"Hey, you copied my hairstyle!" Lyuka complained, looking at the blue bow in her sister's hair.
"Uh, no Lyuka you copied MY hairstyle." Lyuba said, wrinkling her nose.
"You girls both look so pretty, I bet your mom is going to love your hair." I told them.
"See, mom is going to love my hair." Lyuka said. Lyuba rolled her eyes at her sister.

We gave each other a huge hug.
"I've brought the girls here to spend the day with you!"
"Aw, thanks! I can't wait to spend time with my girls!"
"Yeah, their really excited about it too." I told her.
"I also have some news..." I began saying
"News? What kind of news?" she asked, a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry, it's the good kind." I told her reassuringly.

"So you and Logan did the nasty?!" Dawn hissed after I explained to her that I was pregnant.
"Whatever happened to AI?" she asked me.
"Well we went out for a trip to the cabin and...I like him, he's a good guy." I said, not really thinking of what else to say.
"So are you guys like, together now?" she asked.
"Well we share his bed and kiss and stuff but... it doesn't have a label." I explained.
"Mhmm." Dawn said, in her sureeeee voice.

"Mommy! I missed you so much!" Lyuba said, throwing herself into Dawn's arms.
"I missed you too baby!" Dawn replied.
"What should we do?" she asked.
"Hm, I think I have an idea." Dawn said.

"I'm gonna get you!" Dawn shouted
"Not if I get you first mommy!" Lyuba teased back.
Dawn swung the pillow, hitting her daughter on the side of her head. Lyuba sprang into action and hit her in the stomach multiple times.
Aw, the joys of parenting.

"So then plants don't breath oxygen?" Lyuka asked her mother as they worked on her science homework.
"Nope." Dawn replied.
"Their green, and they don't breath oxygen...their aliens!" she exclaimed.
"Yes they are honey, but don't write that down." Dawn said.

~Logan's POV~
Being quite the social butterfly, Carlie was constantly talking with someone.
However, she quickly determined that I was no fun to talk too, and moved on to Addy.
"I read some of your books!" Carlie told Addy.
"I write adult novellas...does your dad know about this?" Addy asked her.
"It's ok, I'm 14 now." Carlie reassured her.

There's Mushy. He looks so innocent when he sleeps...

My kids just can't get enough pillow fights. Taryn and Carlie went at it for about an hour and a half. In the end Taryn destroyed her, with Carlie only managing to get a few hits in.
"Taryn! Stop cheating!" Carlie whined.
"It's a pillow fight Carls, there's no such thing as cheating!" Taryn said before clobbering Carlie again.
Needless to say, the Fey family doesn't use their pillows for sleeping. We're too cool for that.

I was finally getting back into shape after high school not that I ever got out of shape.
The pull up bar in my office was used exclusively for this purpose. I would pump music through the earbuds of my simPod and do chin ups after a jog around the neighborhood.

"Logan, I'm making steak for dinner!" Addy called.
"Ok!" I yelled back.
I loved steak, and she loved cooking. It was a good match.

The steak making got interuptted by a bit of nauceous that overcame Addy.
She and Dawn really are best friends, just like Dawn Turner, she threw up on my kitchen floor.
Carlie had many things to say about that...

Sometimes Lyuka does things that concern me...

After the vomitting Addy developed the smallest baby bump. This development caused a fire to break out.

"Logan!!!" Addy shouted.
I thought I heard some noise, but it was probably just the girls arguing so I turned my music up.
I inhaled the smell of charred steak, she must have known I liked my steak well done.
"DAD!!!" The girls screamed, while Taryn jumped into action putting out the fire.

I strolled casually into the kitchen, ready for my steak.
"Woah! What happened in here?" I asked Addy. She rolled her eyes at me and smiled.
"We decided to order pizza instead." Addy told me.
I shrugged, I was cool with that.

The next morning the girls were up and about. Lyuka was being queen of the world. Everyone bowed as they passed by and she gave them her blessing. She wanted to be a kind queen of the world so that everybody would give her candy and she could live in a candy castle.

Addy made breakfast for everyone, amusing the girls with her skills in flipping the eggs from the pan, over her head, and then catching them on the other side.
"That is so cool Miss Addy!" Lyuba said, while Carlie and Taryn cheered.
"Will you teach me?" Taryn asked her.
"Sure, I love cooking, I would love to teach you guys." Addy told them.
"Wait, first can you teach our dad just to make food without burning it?" Carlie asked.
They all shared a laugh at my expense.

"So then I stir it?" I asked her, simply mind blown.
"Yeah you stir the chocolate chip cookies into the batter." she explained.
"Oh, well that makes a lot more sense..." I said.
"What were you doing before that?"
"Oh you know...Just pouring them into the little cookie pancakes..."
"You roll the cookies into balls before you put them on the pan..."

After recieving some cooking instruction and some knowledge on recipes I could make for the kids, I decided it was time to check on my next baby.
"I think I can hear the baby!" I told her.
"Of course you can." she said with a laugh.
"The baby says that it loves us." I told her smiling.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" she asked me, watching my facial expression.
"Our child just kicked me in the face." I told her.
We both laughed together.

"I see how it is, kicking daddy in the face!" I teased, making faces at her stomach.
She just smiled at me, seeming to enjoy me interacting with our baby.

"I'm really glad you joined my challenge." I told her sincerly.
She smiled. "I'm glad I joined too."

Time for the younger twins birthdays!
Go Lyuba!


Baby #11 Lyuka, what a beauty! She decided she wanted to start wearing her hair down.


Baby #10 Lyuba grew into a beautiful teen as well.
She decided to wear some low pigtails with a cute headband.

After the birthday celebration and everyone went to sleep I walked over to Addy and grabbed her hands.
(AN: I love when Sims do that on their own!)

"Hey, are you ready for bed?" I asked her.
"Yes." she told me with a smile.

She let out a tired sigh and rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers, I could only imagine how exhausting pregnancy was.

Nothing like a bit of romance to end the day. After a few kisses we were both exhausted and headed upstairs and went to bed.

Hopefully the baby would be here soon!
We were both very excited.

The next morning the girls woke up for school.
"I can't believe you guys took the rest of the eggs." Taryn said.
"The early bird gets the egg!" Lyuba cheered.
"The worm Lyuba." Carlie said rolling her eyes.

"It's all good Taryn! I made us some waffles." Lyuka told her.
"Is that what that burning smell is?" she asked. "You must get your cooking skills from dad."
...I can make waffles...

Luckily Addy woke up to save the day, and make the girls something edible for breakfast.

That baby bump is getting big! It must be getting close to the labor.

Addy made the girls some fruit parfait, which they scarfed down before running to catch the bus.

Then she went around doing the laundry. I don't know what it is with women and clean can wear the same thing at least three times before it's dirty...

The girls arrived home from school in a timely fashion. Carlie had music club and Lyuba had debate club.
"Why are you wearing your prom dress?" Taryn asked her sister, who seemed a bit insane at times.
"I want to feel like a princess!" she exclaimed.

Addy was outside working on a beautiful painting. She was a true artist, Taryn was very inspired by her work.

Is she looking? She's totally looking right? How could you not look? ;)

She went in to labor that night, calmly calling me to drive her to the hospital.
"Come on Logan!" she yelled up the stairs.
"I have to find my other shoe!" I called back.
"Mushy has it right here!"
Evil kitty...

We walked out of the hospital early that morning with baby #12, Adele Fey. She was named after Addy (Adella) her beautiful mom.

On the way home Addy raised some concerns about her leaving right away.
Being a challenge mother, she was used to the father leaving and her raising the child, not her leaving the baby. We decided she could stay a bit longer to get used to the idea.

Baby #12 Adele is a miniture version of her mother. She has her mothers hair color, lips, freckles, and eye shape. Otherwise she has my eye color and nose. The brows and face shape were a mix.
She was beautiful.

Lyuba broke the computer when we were gone...

Adele was an intelligent and curious child, full of wonder.
"Daddy! Adele hungee too!" she told me.
"You want some oatmeal?"
"Your mommy's making pie." I whispered to her.

"Mommy! Pie pie pie!" Adele cheered, tottling over to Addy as fast as her little legs could carry her.
Addy rolled her eyes at me.
"It's not ready yet honey." she told Adele.
"I want pie!" Adele said, big green eyes filling with tears.
"Daddy will play hide and seek with you, then pie." Addy told her, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

Either I'm really bad at hide and seek, or that kid has skills.
Eventually I heard some giggling coming from one of the bedrooms.

Addy looked at the counters, which I may have forgotten to clean.
"How is he going to get by without me?" she wondered, semi amused at my lack of cleaning skills.
It's not like I wasn't going to clean it eventually...

"Good job pumpkin pie!" I told Adele, kissing her face.
She giggled "Daddy!" she gave me kisses too.

That evil Pixel thing was hanging around Adele much too often for my liking.

"The blue block is a rectangle..the rectangle goes at the bottom...then the green stick block then the red triangle..." Adele sang to herself, building a castle out of blocks.

Yesterday Adele had "helped" me plant a garden for Addy.
When Addy came over to spend time with Adele (and hopefully me) they could spend time together in their garden. It was full of blossoming flowers, surrounded by a fence I painted white, and located right on the side of the house near the tree house for some shade.

"Daddy, Adele don't want mommy to go." Adele said, snuggling her little head into my shoulder.

"I don't want mommy to go either pumpkin pie." I told her sadly, "But mommy will come and visit you."
"But who will wead me to sweep?" she asked me.
"Well I will."
"But you don't do the princesses voice wight daddy!"

"Mommy, daddy and I have to show you something!" Adele annouced.
"Oh?" she asked, setting the pie on the counter and walking over.
"Yes. You go first." Adele instructed, pointing the way.

"It's so beautiful." Addy said in awe of the beautiful flowers.

"Daddy and I made it for you!" Adele announced.
"Thank you sweetheart, it's so pretty!" Addy said.

"Here I'll give you guys a minute." I told Addy, setting Adele down in the flowers.

"Do you love it?" Adele asked Addy.
"Yes baby, I love it." Addy told her.
"I'm gonna miss you..." Adele said.

Addy pulled Adele close, snuggling her right up against her.
"I'm going to miss you too baby." Addy said, tears threatening to spill.
"I don't want you to go." Adele said stubbornly.
"I have to go and take care of your sisters and brothers." Addy told Adele.

"I will come see you every day!" Addy said, tickling Adele.
She giggled. "and read my bedtime stories with the princess voice?"
"How about you call me when you need the princess voice done" Addy suggested.
"Ok." Adele said.

"Pie pie pie!" Adele cheered when they got back inside.
"It's coming sweetie." Addy said laughing as she blended the pie so Adele could have some.

"Um, Adele wants her pie now mommy." Adele said.
"Ok, here's Adele's pie." Addy said, giving Adele her beloved pie.

Dawn came over to the goodbye party, understanding just how hard it was to leave your challenge child with a father instead of raising your child yourself. She and Lyuba had some fun on the new water slide.

"WHOO!" Dawn yelled, sliding down the water slide. She did a wonderful face plant at the end.
"Go mom!" Lyuba cheered.
"Being a cool mom sure is tiring!" Dawn said with a laugh.

"Come on Lyuba! That's my girl!" Dawn cheered from the side of the waterslide as Lyuba took her turn.

"I'm flying!" she shouted happily, sliding down the slide.

"Mom? Mom!" Lyuba shouted.
I guess Dawn wasn't very coordinated. It's a good thing her fiance works at the hospital...

"Bed time pumpkin pie!" I annouced.
"I want the pirate stowy!" she said.
So I read her Peter Pan and put her to bed.

For the first time in a long time, I slept alone that night.

The End

Thanks everyone for reading Chapter 9! Be sure and comment here or on my page with whether or not you perfer the chapters on facebook or on blogger. As always I look forward to hearing from you!

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  1. HAHA! Yes Logan she was totally looking >.<
    She is gonna have to have her mommy teach her how to make pie LOL
    awesome post and YAY!! BLOGGER!!
    ~Amiee (Becks)

    1. LOL!
      It makes me wanna cry :D
      Thanks for commenting!

    OMG Addy you were looking >.<
    Wordpress! Yay... *cheers, but the Blooger Balloon is bigger*

    1. THANK YOU!!!
      I know she was totally looking right?!
      The options were blogger or Facebook, Wordpress is not an option!
      Thanks for commenting!
